
Frequently Asked Questions

This is a collection of the most frequently asked questions. We will update those on a regular basis. If you have a question email us at info at halfwaytherethrowdown dot com

Online Qualifier

After you signed up via Competition Corner you will receive an Email once the Workouts are being released.

Every Qualifier Workout will be released on Thursday 12:00PM CET (noon) and you have until Monday 22:00PM CET to complete the workout and submit your score including a link to your video.

After having registered for Halfway There Throwdown Online Qualifiers on Competition Corner you will receive an email from Competition Corner. The email will contain your login details and password to your personal scoring page. You will need to log in here to submit your score.

If you have trouble uploading your score please check Submitting Scores to an Online Competition.

Every Athlete has to submit a video according to the video standards.

If you are a member of an affiliate your score may be validated by your coach or box owner.
For unaffiliated competitors please submit a video submission.

We will verify scores using the submitted videos. If an athlete can not produce a video adhering to the standards within 24 hours after submission of the score, they will be disqualified.

There will only be ONE Division – RX 

Athletes must register online and pay the €15 registration fee.

Athletes must complete three online qualifier workouts.

Athletes must submit a validated score and a video submission for the three online qualifiers.

The Halfway There Throwdown Team reserve the right to disqualify an athlete based on their own reviewal process, should they find any violation of the rules stated or any violation of sportsmanship.

There is no limit to the amount of athletes who can participate in the qualifiers.

The registration fee is non-refundable

Registration remains open until just before the deadline for the first qualifier.

There is no Age limit, yet you must be 18+ years old in order to participate

All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A clock or timer with the running workout time clearly visible should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from an angle so all exercises can be clearly seen meeting the movement standards. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause.

We advise to use WODProofApp for the capturing of your Qualifier!

Final Event

All Athletes have to pass our Online Qualifier in June in order to qualify for the finals.

The best 40 Male and 40 Female Athletes will battle for the „Elite“ Crown.

The Final will take place on 27th to 29th September Bielefeld, NRW.

The Competition will take place at Halfway There Performance, Uhlenflucht 8, 33689 Bielefeld, Germany

All Athletes qualifying for the Final will compete on three Days in Bielefeld, yet there might be a cut at some point.

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